Updated Fishing Reports -Salmon River, Pulaski Ny
March 7, 2025
Steelhead fishing this year has been phenomenal from start to where
we are at currently. We have been catching mostly fresh and holding
fish but we are also just starting to see signs of fish spawning
as well as a spawned out one here and there. If you're looking to
learn how steelhead fish then april is the month for you as the
weather is generally nicer and ths oppertunites to catch fish are
plentiful. This season we've received a ton of snow meaning we will
have high water for quite some time. This will make it challenging
for bank angling as crossing in places will not be an option and
chasing large fish will be difficult. Driftboats will be able to
float the whole river and cover ground at the pulling of an anchor.
If you are looking to learn some highwater sweet spots then give
us a tex or call at 315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and David.
September 9, 2024
The Salmon fishing this year has been for the most part absolutely
lights out. August was our slow month as the fish did their switch
from feeding to aggression. On top of that temperature was constatntly
on the move forcing us to change our presentaion almost eveyrday.
The last week or so was very good as things seemed to of stabilized.
But, as I am writing this report the temperature that the salmon
like (62-45 degrees) is 200 feet down in Lake Ontario. This makes
it very hard to target them as it is dark down there for most of
the day and trolling at 2-3 MPH will require a lot of line putting
them almost out of reach. The lake should start to get good agian
as winds blow from any direction but west, so be on the look out
for that. We've had a bunch of cold weather and rain for the past
3 weeks which has made the river temperature a lot cooler then normal
for this time of year. This has made for a major run of salmon to
go up. The couple last minute river trips we have done have all
produced a lot of hook ups and near-limits if not limits every trip.
We have some afternoon dates available and a very select few mornings.
River or lake take your pick, but call or text us now before it
is to late. 315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and David!
May 30, 2024
Out standing reports have been coming from all across the lakes
on how good this season has been already for king salmon. Hopefully
that trend will continue for the rest of the season. Right now the
water is warming up fast and the alewives are moving into the shallows
to spawn. The browns are right there on an all out gorge fest with
some days being good and some days they’re full. The wind
has been blowing every direction lately making things a little challenging.
One day the waters dirty and the bites hot, the next it’s
gin clear and the fish are finicky. The lake trout bite has been
good and we’ve been picking up a handful of random kings and
browns while fishing for them. We’ve got a good amount of
openings throughout the season, but we are filling up fast. If you’re
looking to fill your freezers with delicious meat now is the time
while most fish are still hanging out in colder water. Come take
your pick on what you’d like to catch while you still can!
Texting works best at (315)-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David!
March 18, 2024
The steelhead fishing on the salmon river has been very good numbers
wise. With the very mild winter we had lots of fish have fully or
very close to finished their spawn and are heading back to the lake.
The hatchery has been jam packed with steelhead for quite some time
now and they’re finally doing the egg take. Those fish should
be coming downriver in the next few weeks if this warm weather trend
continues. All different techniques this time of year work as these
fish try to put a feed bag on as they try to regain strength after
their spawn. Float fishing egg sacs and beads works great right
now as we’re still in heavy spawning mode but as they transition
off the spawn they start to get really aggressive and will attack
pretty much anything that moves. Their explosive strikes are something
you’re not going to want to miss. We have plenty of dates
and guides available for the end of this month and the beginning
of next so call or text us now and get in before it’s too
late. 315-430-6728 Thanks Shane and David!
February 9, 2024
This season has been an outstanding year numbers wise. The hatchery
is jam packed and there is still a trickle of fresh fish which seems
to be never ending. The weather also has been outstanding with very
few days below freezing. If these trends continue we will more then
likely be seeing an early dropback season and with the amount of
fish in the hatchery its going to be a crazy good one. Dates are
filling up very fast for april but theres still some left and march
is pretty open still. Texting us at 315-430-6728 is the best way
to get ahold of us. Hope to see you soon! Thanks Shane and David.
Pictures of the week

For more information on how to book a trip. (315) 430-6728
or (315) 298-4530
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December 3, 2023
The steelhead are here and they're here in good quality and quantity.
Beads, plugs and eggsacks all have been producing equally the same
with everyday being different. Right now were dealing with cold
snowmelt from the recent snowstorm we had which dumped 3' of snow
on us. The rivers been up and down a lot lately which hasnt really
helped. If we could get a couple days of steady water conditions
I'd imagine it would be very good. Very soon were going to be fishing
the very slow deep water where these fish love to hang during the
cold winter months. We have plenty of dates and good reliable guides
available so don't be hesetent to give us a call or text at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David.
October 3, 2023
The river is piling up with fresh kings and cohos daily. Everyday
more and more keep showing up. The weekends have been tougher for
us due to the fact that there are more people around causing the
problem of fewer spots to fish. We've had warm, low, and clear water
for most of this season but it looks like its all going to change
(If the weatherman is right.) after this weekend. Colder nights
are in the forecast for the beginning of next which should help
make the fish hit our lures a little harder causing us to have a
better hit-land ratio. We have some dates available next week but
with how busy its been theyre not going to last long. Best way to
get ahold of us is by texting or calling (315)-430-6728 Thanks!
Shane and David.
June 30, 2023
The salmon fishing is picking up big time as the bait is starting
to move out to depths where it is easier to target. For the next
month or so we're going to see some very good fishing before they
stop putting the feed bag on and prepare to enter the rivers. We
have also been targeting nice trophy browns just inside the kings
with some good success and even picking up some salmon mixed in.
We have plenty of dates still available so don't be afraid to call
or text us at 315-430-6728.
May 25, 2023
The river season is all wrapped up for the exception of bass. The
30' Penn Yan is in at the mouth of The Salmon River. The brown trout
fishings been fairly decent with lots of 3-6 pound browns around.
These are great eating fish as the water is still fairly cold. There
is a good amount of lake trout around which are all different sizes
from 5-25 pounds. They're not as good to eat as the browns because
they live for muh longer but they are good for the smoker. As air
temperatures continue to warm up so should the water which will
push the fish out deeper and down deeper making them less skiddish
and easier to target. Along with the warmer water we'll start to
see a thermocline form which will cause the king salmon metabolism
to jump as they start to put their heavy final feed on before entering
the rivers. Call now to get in on the action before its to late!
Thanks Shane and David! 315-430-6728
February 10, 2022
All season the steelhead fishing has been excellent. We've been
seeing lots of good numbers of smaller sized steelhead which is
bright for the future. Along side this their has been a good mix
of some bigger winter holders/spring spawners. We have had a very
mild winter which has constantly been refreshing the river with
fresh fish. Weekdays have been the best as these days are no where
near as busy as the weekends. This in turn helps us catch more fish
as we're the only ones fishing for them. With all the fish that
have been seen in the system it should only make for a killer spring.
Text us now at 315-412-7080 to book a trip because before you know
it the hot dates will be gone.
December 3, 2022
The steelhead fishing has been great over the last month. The fish
have came in big time amd are spread out from top to bottom in the
river. Float fishing and back trolling lures both have been mighty
effective. The fishing should contine to be good as the water drops
and the fish settle into their resting holes for these winter months.
The schedule is pretty open for the winter but fills in quick. If
you're looking for specific dates book them now before its too late.
Best way to reach us is by texting 315-430-6728.
September 21, 2022
The salmon are in and most are in the estuary or up in the river.
There's still a few scattered out on the lake but not a ton. Things
have been warm lately making the plug bite tough. Luckily though
we've had some rain and thats got the water levels up and added
a touch of murky water to the gin clear that we had. Forecast for
the rest of the week shows very cold nights and much cooler day
time temps which should get these fish moving and chewing. There's
been a good amount of big cohos in th 12-17 pound range. We are
pretty booked up for this season but there may still be a couple
dates left for salmon. Steelhead will be starting to show in another
month and with the amount of salmon around Id imagine theres gonna
be a good amount of steelhead.
July 12, 2022
The salmon are here and we are dialing in on them more and more.
A spoon program up high in the water column has been best for getting
these fish to bite. The brown are in just a little closer and are
eating the same things as the kings. We've been getting a few smaller
kings mixed with the browns and some larger browns mixed with the
salmon. Lakers are a long ways away but are there to target as well
as kings. The pattern lately is stay outta the pack of boats and
get to the un-pressured fish and you'll see results in the rods.
The salmon fishing is only going to get better as the vast majority
of fish push to the eastern end of the lake for food and a place
to spawn. Prime time king fishing will be upon us shortly so call
and book a trip now before you miss out. Texting works best at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David.
June 21, 2022
The lake king season is bearing down upon us fast. We have had
a lot of the right wind which has blown a ton of bait and fish into
the eastern end of lake ontario. In fact we might of had too much.
As of right now theres alot of about 60 degree water all over the
place. We need a couple of hot calm days for the warm water to settle
together and create a thermocline to boost the salmons metabolism.
The Lake trout fishing has been phenomenal as well as the browns.
We're getting a few salmon in the mix but not many. Today marks
the start of summer which feels about right. Sometime shortly we'll
be getting that hot summer weather and those kings will start putting
the feed on for their spawning migration. Texting works best at
315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and David Thomas.
May 19, 2022
The steelhead season has wrapped up completely and now were onto
the lake. Walleyes, Brown Trout, and Lake Trout are what is prime
for this time. The Walleyes the least likely to be caught but come
at trophy class sizes and some of the smaller ones are great to
eat. The Lake Trout are pretty simple to cacth you just drop your
gear to bottom and reel up wet rags but hey its normally alot of
action and a way to fill the cooler with meat. When trolling for
browns theres a chance for Kings, Cohos, Steelhead, Lakers, Walleye,
Pike and Small Mouth. Hell you never know whats going to be at the
end of your line when trolling the shoreline of Lake Ontario. The
kings will be around off and on all wind depending, but in about
another month their metabolism will spike as they put on their last
meal before getting ready to spawn. With the weather beaing as warm
as its been we could be seeing some eager feeders being fooled by
mother nature. We still have lots of dates open for the charter
season of 2022, so get in on the action and fill your freezers with
some of these cold water fish. To book text us at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David Thomas.
December 17, 2021
The Steelhead fishing has been fairly good this year with lots
of high water leaving the fish very unpressured. As I'im writing
this report the river is dropping to 350cfs which should allow the
fish to bite well. That flow is here to stay for quite a while or
until our next major rainfall. The fish we have been seeing are
all different sizes from little skippers to fish in the 15# range.
The weather has been changeing every day from 60+ mph winds to 60
degree weather to snow. There's a lot of dates open for winter steelhead
fishing and plenty of guides we can get you setup with so if you
have something specific in mind nows a good time to book it. To
book text us at 315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and David Thomas
September 19, 2021
If a year could have a catch phrase this ones would be "Thats
why its called fishing and not catching." Mother nature has
been wild all year with each day having something different instore.
That being said the past week or so has been lights out as they've
finally arrived and sort of stablized. These fish are ripping and
ready to run the river and the weather looks prime for a big push
at the end of the week. Lots of dates are booked already but we
still might be able to get you booked with a good reputable guide.
So text now before you miss out on the action at 315-430-6728.
June 2, 2021
The salmon fishing on the lake has been remarkably good for this
time of the year. We have been also catching steelhead lakers and
cohos when fishing for the kings. We've been seeing a good mix of
all different sizes of everything and with the water being cold
now is the best time to get some fresh good eating fish that put
up a good fight. The Brown Trout fishing should be good but there
is just loads of bait in closer which makes it hard for them to
want to bite spoons. Lake Trout have been a good backup species
becuase they're always chewing good when its calm out and nothing
else is biting. Book a trip now because the fishings heating up
more and more everyday and the days are filling up fast. Texting
works best at 315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and David Thomas.
Feburary 2, 2021
The steelhead fishing has this year has been pretty average. Some
days are good some are bad. You just never know what each day will
bring. The patterens that are noticed are the warmer days with higher
water and not weekends are the best. But also its been very cold
and we've been receiving lots of snow so the fish arent being pressured
to hard causing them to be more likely to bite the fake stuff. We've
got a month or two left of this winter steelhead fishing before
they transition into their spawning and leaving modes and when they
do that they're not as good to eat and don't fight as well. To get
in on a trip we recommend texting as we never no when we might be
busy with something and unable to pick up the phone. So text us
at (315)-430-6728. Thanks David and Shane!!
November 13, 2020
We are sorry for the lack of updates but we have been in a drought
for all of salmon season. So we havent been able to run the driftboats
as per usual and there were more bank fisherman this year than ever.
On the bright side we have beengetting the rain we need slowly but
surely. As a matter of fact tonight the river will be getting its
first bump up to 335. So tomorrow we will begin running the boats.
The bank fishing has been ok nothing phenominal but steady action.
The low water has the fish spooked easily and are hard to get to
bite. This bump in the water flow should make them snap and move
so call/text now and book a trip @315-430-6728. Thanks Shane and
September 7, 2020
The fish are pretty much fully turned over to spawn mode and are
piling into our end of the lake. There is even a handful in the
river. The wind this year has not stopped which has not helped us
much with letting things settle and adjust. But on the bright side
we are seeing much cooler temps ahead which should help the mother
load move closer and closer to the river. Theres been a great number
of cohos apearing as well as an occasional steelhead or brown trout.
Book now to get in on a last minute battle with a king salmon on
Lake Ontario or book a salmon trip on the river and watch them absolutely
destroy plugs. Texting is best at 315-298-4530.
Thanks Shane and David
July 1, 2020
The kings are finally showing up. Every day were getting more amd
more dialed in to solving the puzzle for these finicky kings. The
wind keeps blowing in our favor, but now we need stable conditions
to setup a theromocline and really put the kings on a feeding frenzy.
Theres also been a tremendous amount of dropback steelhead scattered
randomly giving us a nice surprise every once and a while. Calm
days if the kings arent biting we have been targeting lakers which
have been enourmous this year. Rougher weather we've been fishing
browns closer to shore incase of something going wrong. The king
fishing has only just begun and is only going to get better from
here on out so call now because dates are very limited for July
and are closing fast for August. 315-298-4530.
Thanks Shane and David
June 8, 2020
We are finally reopened for business and the brown bite has been
on fire. The quantity and quality this year has been outstanding.
They're also living in ice water making their meat delicious, so
if there were ever a time that you'd give up a good fight for some
good meat now is the time. The kings have been playing tough to
get so far this year with some unfavorable winds and cooler temps
keeping them scattered throughout the whole lake. A couple of hot
days mixed with some west winds should start to setup a thermocline
and we should start to see them shwoing back up. With that being
said we can still target them out deeper and other species too such
as coho, lakers, steelhead, and even a stray brown but finding them
is tough as theres a lot of water to cover and no certain spot for
them to be at. Call now if you want to book a trip as the fishing
will only be getting better and our dates are going fast. 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David
March 10, 2020
The fishing latley had been hot and cold. The warmer weather has
definitly improved the bite but the crowds really puta beating on
the fish. The steelhead are also in their in between period right
now with a wide variety of fish around. Over the past week or so
we have had warmer weather and rain which has caused higher water
bringing in fresh fish that are getting ready to or they have already
started there spawning. Along with these fish we have been catching
a few dropbacks each trip, a few holding fish and very occasionaly
a brown trout. This higher water helps as we have access to the
whole river without having to worry about beating our boats up too
much or getting stuck anywhere. Each day should slowly start to
get better and better as the fish complete their spawning and head
back to the lake. Next month the charter boat will be going in the
water as we start to target primarily browns with a mix of kings,
steelhead, and lake trout. These dates will be going fast so call
and book a trip while you still can at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David
January 20, 2020
The steelhead fishing this year has been about adverage some days
you get a bunch and other days you only get a few. The weather has
been a big factor when it come to how we have been doing. The days
its warm and nice out theres a lot of people around and the fish
are finicky. But when the weathers snotty for a couple of days the
fish get untouched in many spots and are willing to snap at any
bait that passes by. The water flows have been all over the place
with last week we hacd flows of +2000 cfs, this past weekend it
went down to 500, and now its back up to +1000cfs. This messess
the fish up on where they ley and how comfortable they are with
their surrounding environment. Also within the past 3-4 days we
had temperatures below 0 which created a lot of slush and anchor
ice in the water which makesthe lower section of the river near
impossible to get a good natural drift. We've got plenty openings
from now till the end of April/early May. Call us at 315-430-6728
for more information on a package deal which includes 2 days fishing
and 2 nights lodging for Feburary/March. The best time to call is
after dark as we dont know how long we will be out for andwe dont
have good service.
November 14, 2019
The steelhead are here and are going to be in full force anytime
now. This is the best time of year and the dates are going fast.
Its only getting better. Avoid weekends if possible because of boat
traffic and bank monkeys. All methods are very effective right.
Its all just a matter of how you want to catch them. The size of
these fish this year has been tremendous with some absolute tanks
out there that have gotten away. Call now and reserve and trip before
its to late at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David
October 17, 2019
Just like that we are on the decline of our salmon run. We never
really had one big run, but a slow steady trickle of kings and a
good amount of cohos. We currently are being impacted with a good
storm producing a reasonable amount of rain which should bring in
a few fresher kings along with hopefully our first good push of
steelhead. This year has beenpretty odd so who truly knows? From
now until about the middle-end of next month the kings will be doing
their thing and slowly die off and as this happens more and more
steelhead will enter the river. As a matter of fact theres already
a good amount of steelhead in the lower/douglaston part of the river.
With this rain happening it should help get these fish moving upstream
and spread them out throught the entire river. Call quick because
somewhere in between now and the next 2 months will be some of the
best fighting, eating, and hopefully amount of steelhead for the
season. Texting works best at 315-430-6728.
Thanks Shane and David
For more reports visit our archives
Need lodging? Check out the beautiful log cabins for rent at SalmonRiverGuideCabins.com
Lake Ontario fishing - FishingChartersLakeOntario.com

For more information on how to book a trip.
Jackie and Shane Thomas