Trout Fishing in Ny
In the spring, Brown Trout are cruising the shoreline of Lake Ontario,
feeding heavily on bait fish. This gives us prime opportunity to
catch them close to shore, as the bait is looking for warming waters.
The state record for Brown trout was caught mid-spring trolling
bait sticks close to shore and weighed in at over 30 pounds. As
the water warms into summer we move off shore using downriggers
to get to the colder and deeper waters where the Browns are hovering
around the thermocline.
When the weather turns cooler outside and the days begin to shorten
Brown trout start there fall migration to spawn. The streams and
rivers are already filled with spawning salmon. As the salmon begin
to fade the browns are just beginning. From the last week of October
through out November is the prime time to catch the fully colored
spawning Browns. Fly fishing or bait fishing can both produce good
catches of these giant trout. From the Salmon River we can sometimes
travel out towards Oswego and Oak Orchards if necessary to find
the best runs from week to week.
Check out our articles page for great
articles on Brown Trout fishing.

Please feel free to give us a call for more information on
how to book a trip. (315) 298-4530
Shane and Jackie Thomas